4th ICM2E Conference


The 4th International Conference on

Mathematics and Mathematics Education

September 5th - 6th, 2020


ICM2E 2020

International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education


About the Conference

Mathematics Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang proudly presents The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education year of 2020. The 4th ICM2E is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss the research and practices in the fields of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Prospective authors are invited to submit research abstracts or full papers. Audiences are also welcome to join the conference for research and opinions exchanging.
Along with the fast development of some issues in education, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics, we should effort in pursuing sustainable development as well as its outlook on the future. Also, to answer the challenges of globalization era, this conference is hoped to led the dynamics of life which have massive effects on the development of information and technology. It has big impact on the development of science, especially mathematics and mathematics education. Therefore the researchers and practitioners must do research which is up to date to the future needs.

Therefore this conference will be held in the theme "Integrating Innovative Research in Mathematics and Mathematics Education to Led Sustainable Development". The purpose of this conference is to exchange information about the latest research results as well as the latest findings of mathematics and mathematics education in the era of globalization. We invite researchers from inside and outside Indonesia to present their latest findings and gather in this scientific atmosphere.

Keynote speakers

4 keynote speakers from various disciplines.

Various Sessions

Presentation of research papers promoting interdisciplinary dialogue.

Access to Talks & Paralel Sessions

Mathematics and Mathematics Education workshops, demos, talks, and presentations.

Important Dates

Call for papers

Deadline for abstract submission :
August, 25th 2020
August, 29th 2020

Information for abstract acceptance:
August, 28th 2020
August, 30th 2020

Deadline for Fullpaper submission :
August, 30th 2020
August, 31th 2020

Registration Closed

August, 31th 2020

Conference Day

September, 5th - 6th 2020

Virtual Conference


Lecturer, Teacher, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student, Researcher, and Practitioner in Mathematics and Mathematics Education and Related Topics.

Registration Fee

Category Domestic International
Presenter 500.000 IDR $ 50
Participant 100.000 IDR $ 10
Publication 1.000.000 idr (after accepted to publish)

Please make payment through :
Bank Account
Bank Nagari Capem UNP (118)


Registration starts on February, 24th 2020 to August, 30th 2020 via website icm2e.fmipa.unp.ac.id or on secretariat in Mathematics Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang.

Copyright © ICM2E Committee